

  • Gluten-Free
  • Dietary Supplement 
  • Ultra Tested 
  • cGMP - Current Good Manufacturing Practices - Consistent Quality 

Kirkman’s Children’s Chewable Multi-Vitamin/Mineral Wafers formulation is a high-potency, all-purpose, vitamin/mineral supplement specially designed for children to support their good nutritional health.

The wafer is sweetened with dextrose and sucralose and flavored with a delicious natural mango/peach flavor.  Kids love them, so compliance should not be a problem.

This product contains higher potencies than many commercially sold multivitamins and offers trace minerals and coenzyme Q10, as well.  Most importantly, it offers a better choice for a chewable product because it contains no colorings and only natural flavorings.  Sensitive children often react to the artificial coal tar colorings and artificial flavoring chemicals present in most commercially sold "kids’ vitamins.”

" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/kim/kim02095/u/12.jpg">


  • Gluten-Free
  • Dietary Supplement 
  • Ultra Tested 
  • cGMP - Current Good Manufacturing Practices - Consistent Quality 

Kirkman’s Children’s Chewable Multi-Vitamin/Mineral Wafers formulation is a high-potency, all-purpose, vitamin/mineral supplement specially designed for children to support their good nutritional health.

The wafer is sweetened with dextrose and sucralose and flavored with a delicious natural mango/peach flavor.  Kids love them, so compliance should not be a problem.

This product contains higher potencies than many commercially sold multivitamins and offers trace minerals and coenzyme Q10, as well.  Most importantly, it offers a better choice for a chewable product because it contains no colorings and only natural flavorings.  Sensitive children often react to the artificial coal tar colorings and artificial flavoring chemicals present in most commercially sold "kids’ vitamins.”


Take two tablets per day or as directed by a physician.

網路價:466元,結帳享5%折扣後 443


  • 無麩質 | 低致敏
  • 膳食補充劑
  • 超測試
  • cGMP - 現有良好的生產規範 - 始終如一的品質



網路價:655元,結帳享5%折扣後 623


  • 不含酪蛋白和麩質
  • 濃縮
  • 膳食補充劑

超測試 - 測試超過 950 種污染物!

  • 重金屬
  • 細菌
  • 酵母
  • 黴菌
  • 殺蟲劑和其它

Kirkmans Super Nu-Thera:開端

Super Nu-Thera 自 1967 年問世以來一直是 Kirkman 特受歡迎的膳食補充劑。原始的 Super Nu-Thera 是 Kirkman 應一名研究特殊營養補充劑的研究人員的迫切要求下配製的。他要求配製一種維生素 B-6 和鎂含量高的配方,味道好,這樣孩子們才會服用。

Super Nu-Thera 有什麼獨特之處?

Super Nu-Thera 是一種多維生素/礦物質補充劑,含有維生素 B-6 和鎂。Super Nu-Thera 還含有其餘的 B 族維生素、維生素 C、油溶性維生素 E、A 和 D(在許多配方中),以及礦物質鋅、錳和硒。某些形式的 Super Nu-Thera 也可能包含鈣,這取決於產品的特定配方是否能包含所需的大量鈣。不含鈣的 Super Nu-Thera 可能需要個人使用補鈣劑,如果其飲食不能提供這種重要的營養素的每日推薦值。

" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/kim/kim02175/u/20.jpg">


  • 不含酪蛋白和麩質
  • 濃縮
  • 膳食補充劑

超測試 - 測試超過 950 種污染物!

  • 重金屬
  • 細菌
  • 酵母
  • 黴菌
  • 殺蟲劑和其它

Kirkmans Super Nu-Thera:開端

Super Nu-Thera 自 1967 年問世以來一直是 Kirkman 特受歡迎的膳食補充劑。原始的 Super Nu-Thera 是 Kirkman 應一名研究特殊營養補充劑的研究人員的迫切要求下配製的。他要求配製一種維生素 B-6 和鎂含量高的配方,味道好,這樣孩子們才會服用。

Super Nu-Thera 有什麼獨特之處?

Super Nu-Thera 是一種多維生素/礦物質補充劑,含有維生素 B-6 和鎂。Super Nu-Thera 還含有其餘的 B 族維生素、維生素 C、油溶性維生素 E、A 和 D(在許多配方中),以及礦物質鋅、錳和硒。某些形式的 Super Nu-Thera 也可能包含鈣,這取決於產品的特定配方是否能包含所需的大量鈣。不含鈣的 Super Nu-Thera 可能需要個人使用補鈣劑,如果其飲食不能提供這種重要的營養素的每日推薦值。


One teaspoon daily or as directed by a physician.

網路價:1,561元,結帳享5%折扣後 1,483