

  • 其中科學原理自然起效
  • 無香味配方
  • 含有蘆薈和葡萄柚籽提取物
  • 低致敏
  • 酸堿平衡
  • 無防腐劑
  • 純素食
  • 無動物測試

NutriBiotic 有機無泡潔面乳專為敏感肌設計。溫和、深層清潔的作用無殘留,不會堵塞毛孔。植物保濕霜有助於保持皮膚的水分和 pH 值平衡。是中性至油性肌膚或混合肌的理想之選。




網路價:199元,結帳享5%折扣後 190


  • Cleansing & Purifying
  • Removes Makeup and Other Impurities
  • Perfect for Gym and Travel
  • No Synthetic Dyes
  • No Parabens

Nu-Pore Charcoal Facial Wipes quickly and effectively removes makeup, including waterproof mascara. Use daily to cleanse your skin, leaving it feeling smooth and fresh.


  1. Peel back label to remove towelette.
  2. Gently wipe face with towelette to remove makeup and impurities - no need to rinse.
  3. Reseal label after each use.
  4. Dispose towelette in trash.
網路價:74元,結帳享5%折扣後 71


  • Improved Formula
  • No Synthetic Dyes
  • No Parabens
  • Your Daily Solution for Gentle Cleansing
  • Soothe - Nourish - Hydrate

Nu-pore Aloe Makeup Remover gently cleanses all traces of makeup, surface oils and impurities. The infusion of aloe, green tea and vitamin E soothes and hydrates, leaving skin feeling clean and refreshed.


  1. Peel back label and remove towelette.
  2. Gently wipe face with towelette to remove all makeup and impurities.
  3. No need to rinse.
  4. Reseal label after each use.
  5. Dispose towelette in trash.
網路價:74元,結帳享5%折扣後 71